Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Technology Tools and Learning

Blog/Journal Reflection 4: Technology Tools and Learning: Mobile Learning, Multimedia, Games, and Gamification

Face-to-face, blended, and online learning with educational technology has been optimized to assist educators by using new technology in education.  Technology is not only fast but convenient and designed to support and encourage vital principles for academic attainment.  In addition, technology tools allow educators to offer learners a wide variety of resources to stimulate their learning.
Image result for skype on a cell phone
A technology tool of which this blog writer was not familiar with, nor previously used is Skype.  Skype is a telecommunications application that concentrates on providing voice calls and video chat through tablets, mobile devices, computers, smartwatches, and even the Xbox console. According to History of Domain Names (2003) Skype was created by the Swede Niklas Zennstrom and the Dane Janus Friis, who along with others developed the backend which was also used in the music-sharing application Kazaa.  Interestingly, eBay acquired Skype in 2005 at a whopping cost of $2.6 billion.  As of September 2011, Skype had over 663 million registered users, easing its way into top ranks with both Twitter and Facebook (Whent, 2012).  

Use of Skype in Profession Education Practice

As an educator, the writer intends to make full use educational networking sites to set up accounts and to foster highly interactive online and blended learning sessions to stimulate cognitive, and affective learning.  In reviewing Skype and recently signing up, it has already proven itself to be a reliable networking resource that is not only easy to navigate, but it provides free facilities to share ideas, lesson plans, cultural resources, experiences and will be utilized fully to promote education worldwide

I am a new skype user

Advantages and Benefits of Skype
Skype is an easy and inexpensive mode of communication between people worldwide.  It is especially popular to online college students due to the wide range of activities that encourage student participation and comprehension. This tool promotes interaction with people from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds which will help students understand cultural differences and learn about the history and social customs.  In addition, Skype offers an easy way for students and course instructors to engage in synchronous dialogue.
Moreover, lecturers can use video conferencing to deliver teaching session and host meetings with students while being away from the physical classroom or blackboard collaborative online course room.  Course facilitators may invite guest speakers to chat directly to students with students connecting to Skype using video conferencing. Skype may also be used as a tool to provide extra assistance to students who have queries or concerns following a lecture.
Subsequently, this dynamic tool can be used to do peer teaching and forge friendships through networking. This tool remains in high demand and is used heavily to collaborate on classroom projects and assignments by making free video calls and even video conferencing.  Finally, lecturers can make good use of this tool by using it for professional development by connecting with other educators and sharing and watching presentations.

Disadvantages of Skype
A few disadvantages of this tool have been recognized in the form of Skype being a network-intensive program.  Although the basic version is completely free, a high- speed network connection is required to use this program.  The amount of bandwidth required to use the program varies depending on the type of call one needs to make and type of features he/she need to use.  High definition or (HD) video calling and group videos require the most bandwidth (Olan, 2019).
Secondly, challenges of security present itself due to its popularity, Skype is a target for hackers who lurk for ways to steal personal information and passwords.  Users are encouraged to beware unknown persons attempting to become friends.
Over the years, online chatting has become a danger-zone for children.  Skype is no exception and can be used to facilitate cyberbullying, especially if parents fail to monitor their children's activities.  We must work together as technology tool users to ensure the program is used for wonderful experiences such as education and training and connecting with family and friends as it is intended to.
Although Skype offers a free account, there are several other interactive features you must pay for if you want to use them. If you would like to use additional features such as unlimited calls to any country in the world, cell phone calling or SMS, you must subscribe for a package plan, purchase Skype premium, or pay for credit.  Such costs may not be feasible to all users.

Technology has an awesome ability to enhance relationships between teachers and students. If effectively integrated into various subject areas, Skype and other tech. tools teachers and course facilitators expand in their role as advisors, experts in the content delivered, mentors.  Technology will continue to make teaching and meaningful, enjoyable, and innovative.

eLearning-Access to the world


History of Domain Names. (2003). Skype internet voice-calls. Retrieved from
eBay to buy Skype in $2.6 billion deal. (2005). Retrieved from
Google. (2019). Google Images. eLearning photos. Retrieved from
Olan, K. (2019). It still works. Disadvantages of using Skype Retrieved from
Skype Photo. (2019). Skype stock photo. Retrieved from
Whent, R. (2012). How Skype changed the world. Retrieved from

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Blended/Online Course Design (The COI) & Presentation Media

Considering the common elements of the COI, explain how such technology tools (e.g. Screencast-o-Matic, Blogger, YouTube or other tools you may be familiar) can be used in your blended course.

The integration of technology in blended learning can deepen student knowledge.  Blended learning continues to grow as an approach to meeting learner needs, especially as institutions of higher learning introduce millennial technology tools like Blogger, Screencast-o-Matic, YouTube and other applications.  The growth of blended learning may be set in accordance with the comfort of educators as we expand our digital tools for teaching and learning.  However, it is important to realize that learning to teach with digital tools should never be the greater focus than exploring how to expand student’s knowledge level.

                                       Where it all began UWI Orientation September 2019

According to the COI Framework (2015), the Community of Inquiry theoretical the framework represents a process of creating a deep and meaningful (collaborative-constructivist) learning experience through the development of three interdependent elements – social, cognitive and teaching presence.
Garrison, Anderson & Archer (2001) expressed their meaning of social presence as being connected and interacting with other human beings as “real people” through the medium of communication being used. In the blended/online environment mediums such as Blackboard Collaboration, Vlogs, Bloggers, or YouTube are among the popular forms being utilized.  The ideal social presence environment would be one where learners express feeling and emotions and interact with others in ways that influence learning.  On the other hand, if there exists the perception of a negative social presence this may ultimately impede learners for expressing themselves as real people; in turn, lessening the learning experience.

In order to promote social presence a blended course of which I am to deliver I would encourage learners to incorporate their feelings, experiences, examples, and ideas into completed assignments, utilize video feedback when responding to messages, and by providing messages that are respectful, positive, encouraging, timely, and frequent assists learners to develop social presence and caring behaviors. 

Cognitive presence is by far essential to student learning.  The cognitive presence, in essence, is the quality and measure of a learner’s critical thinking capacity, ability to problem solve, and build meaning through student to student and student to lecturer interactions.  In a blended learning environment, I intend to display and support cognitive presence through interactions with all learners via explanation, discussions, through assignment feedback, and reflection exercises. 

The teaching presence is inclusive of the planning, organizing, developing and delivery of the course.  It also includes what the facilitator does while delivering each module to learners.  It accounts for the way in which the facilitator delivers lessons. give instruction and relays information to the learners.  As a facilitator of a blended learning course, I would include an explanation of the module, direct instruction, offer clarification and insight on misconceptions, offer lessons via demonstration and graphic, and direct learners to utilize the supplementary reading materials and a resource list for assistance with each lesson.

In conclusion as an upcoming educator, I will ensure to utilize the community of inquiry framework in the learning environment utilizing various forms of communication.  Hajibayova (2017) notes that regular faculty engagement through various modes of communication created faculty presence. Both synchronous and asynchronous communication supports student achievement of objectives in the online class (Watts, 2016).


COI. (2015). COI Framework. Retrieved from https://coi.athabascau.ca/coi-model/

Florescu, M. H., & Pop-Pacurar, I. (2016). Is the fear of 'being wrong' a barrier for effective
communication between students and professors? A survey study at Babes-Bolyai University Romania. Acta Didactica Napocensia, 9(2), 47.

Garrison, D. R., Anderson, T., & Archer, W. (2000). Critical inquiry in a text-based
environment: Computer conferencing in higher education model. The Internet and Higher Education.

Hajibayova, L. (2017). Students' viewpoint: What constitutes a presence in an online
classroom? Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 55(1), 12.

Serdyukov, P., & Serdyukova, N. (2015). Effects of communication, socialization, and
collaboration on online learning. European Scientific Journal, 2, 86-100.

Watts, L. (2016). Synchronous and asynchronous communication in distance learning. Quarterly
Review of Distance Education, 17(1), 23-32.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

The role of the nursing educator in the 21st-century learning environment

The Role of the nursing educator in the 21st-century learning environment

With advancements in technology, changes in healthcare delivery, escalation of chronic non-communicable diseases and an increasingly aging population, the need for the nurse educator is critical.  The nurse educator has a key role in bridging theoretical instruction in clinical practice which cultivates an authentic learning environment.  According to Jamshidi, Molazem, Sharif, Torabizadeh & Kalyani (2016) students’ exposure to the clinical learning environment is one of the most important factors affecting the teaching-learning process in clinical settings.  Moreover, technological advancement has now called for the integration of informatics in nursing education today.  Subsequently nursing educators must be knowledgeable and exposed to technology in order to foster innovative strategies and engage nursing students in the learning environment while ensuring students are developing the communication skills needed in a highly interactive profession.

Nursing Education in the 21st Century
There exist a myriad of challenges in nursing education in the 21st century.  One of the most significant challenges we face in nursing today is determining at what level the basic educational preparation is needed for entry as a professional nurse.  The Government of the Bahama, Ministry of Health (2011) affirmed its position that a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing would be the minimum level required to sit the Nursing Council Examination for licensure as a Registered Nurse.  Today Registered Nurses with Associate degrees are encouraged to complete the RN-BSN bridge program face-to-face or online by 2022.  This motion prepares the Associate degree nurse for the expanding professional roles as a result of an evolving yet complex health care environment.  At the BSN level health care shifts to primary care and prevention with less focus on in-hospital care, in addition, the baccalaureate degree prepares the nurse to practice in a wide range of settings from one-to-one home care nursing, elderly and psychiatric facilities to childcare and case management.  Pierce (2010) suggests that a broader base of knowledge, the better the ability to problem solve and further construct new knowledge from seemingly unrelated information.
Secondly, nursing educators will be challenged to develop nursing students who will provide care through adaptation of evidence-based practice and therefore lectures must incorporate evidenced-based teaching and learning sessions.  In this regard, traditional teaching styles must be replaced with assimilation exercises and demonstration and critical thinking scenarios addressing the basic nursing need to more complex circumstances.  Additionally, rather than relying heavily on exams to evaluate nursing students’ learning, greater emphasis will be placed on report writing and documentation alongside simulation exercise review that will outweigh written examinations.  Such strategies will serve as formative and summative evaluation to measure learning.
Nursing educators play a pivotal role in strengthening the nursing workforce by developing nurses with core competencies to deliver quality care.  Therefore, educators serve as role models and are expected to provide the leadership needed to implement evidence-based practice.  With further responsibilities of planning, implementing, evaluating and revising academic and continuing education programs for nurses. Curriculum revision means making modifications and changes in the current curriculum to give new direction in conjunction with fine toning curriculum aims, objectives, course contents, learning outcomes and assessment strategies           (Ramasubramaniam & Grace 2015).

Challenges faced in Nursing Education
 As a resource for student nurses and new graduate nurses, nurse educators must socialize, protect, educate, and evaluate the nursing students and new nurses who are making the transition into healthcare facilities and hospitals.  We are faced with grave challenges in nursing education, namely: absence of sufficient nurse educators, decreased enrolment of nursing students, lack of clinical competency (nurse educator and student), increasingly complex needs of patients, lack of resources and nurse educators experiencing burn out.  Such challenges will continue to arise as we transition into the 21st century if we fail to collaborate globally and strategically implement steps to overcome them.

UWI Nursing Education Practicum @ Terreve College Nursing School (2019).  

Overcoming the Challenges

The gap between theory and the clinical learning environment and the approach of practice for the 21st century has been rapidly widening. Education dissemination will follow the transformations and various dynamics in the healthcare delivery system.  To overcome the major challenges in nursing education nurses are encouraged to pursue advanced level degrees in nursing education/clinical preceptorship.  This will alleviate some of the shortage felt and ease the burden of the already stretched nurse educators.  With more nurse educators on board, nursing schools can now increase enrolment count to ensure continuity and strengthen the workforce.  To maximize resource employees must assist by reducing wastage and advocating for necessary equipment needed to facilitate caring for patients.

Overcoming Challenges: Understanding Instructional context, design models, objectives and lesson plans

Nursing educators must ensure to equip themselves with the knowledge base to plan, organize, develop and deliver detailed information with vivid examples and must encourage feedback from learners.  In addition, nurse educators must commit to continuous training and research and deliver lessons in a format that meet the learning needs of all students.  Being creative, innovative and in constant collaboration with colleagues and other healthcare personnel are initial steps to meeting the goal of overcoming great challenges.  Moreover, gaining and employing experienced nursing educators, attempting to enhance the learning environment through technology and face-to-face, developing professional relationships between faculty and practice, the participation of nurse educators in clinical education, and planning in accordance with objectives will bring about the change we desire to see.


Our profession relies heavily on nursing educators to build the bridge that takes nursing students from the classroom setting to the hospital setting as a nurse.  While theoretical instruction would not cover every disorder, situation, or challenge nursing students will encounter when caring for patients, the presence of the nurse educator will foster an environment for clinical teaching and learning, socialization, safe environment, professional practice, and advocacy. A study by Lawal, Weaver, Bryan & Lindo (2017) explored factors that influenced the clinical learning experience of students in a Caribbean hospital concluded that positive interpersonal relationships and the use of demonstration and return demonstration were identified as being influential within the learning environment. The challenges of nursing education in the 21st century will require the attention of the entire nursing profession to develop and ensure a desired future vision for nursing.

Jamshidi, N., Molazem, Z., Sharif, F., Torabizadeh, C., Kalyani, M. (2016). The challenges of nursing students in the clinical learning environment: A Qualitative Study. The Scientific World Journal, Volume 2016. Article ID 1846178, 7 pages
Lawal, J., Weaver, S., Bryan, V., Lindo, J. (2015). Factors that influence the clinical learning
 experience of nursing students at a Caribbean school of nursing. Journal of Nursing
 Education Practice 6 (4). DOI: 10.5430/jnep.v6n4p32

Peirce AG (2010). The essential imperative of basic nursing education: an ethical discourse.
ANS Adv Nurs Sci 33: 320-328. 

Ramasubramaniam, S., Grace, A. (2015). Curriculum development in nursing education.
Where is the pathway?  IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science (IOSR-JNHS)e-
ISSN: 23201959.p- ISSN: 2320 1940 Volume 4, Issue 5 Ver. III (Sep. - Oct. 2015), PP 76-
81www.iosrjournals.org. DOI: 10.9790/1959-04537681 www.iosrjournals.org 76 | Page

Monday, June 10, 2019


The present challenge in nursing practice is a growing population, leading to an increase in hospitalized patients.  Patients are not only older but present with multiple conditions which increase health care cost and the dire need for sufficient nursing staff with advanced knowledge and technology training.

I am Kennisha Munnings, a Registered Nurse since 2003 embarking on the field of Nursing Education as I believe that cultivating a highly skilled workforce will promote health for all, locally and globally.  In this regard, I am confident that the use of technology we can promote, develop, and sustain brilliant nurses for continuity of care.  
Presently, I have experience in undertaking online education, live web-based simulations, use of apps, and electronic textbooks on mobile devices.  In rating my knowledge of technology on a scale of 1-10, my overall score would be 5.  I look forward to gaining a wealth of knowledge and understanding of instructional technology applications that I will use as a nurse educator. 

Welcome to the Nurse Education Zone, join in as we network to examine ways in which technology can empower and transform nursing education.