Sunday, July 14, 2019

Blended/Online Course Design (The COI) & Presentation Media

Considering the common elements of the COI, explain how such technology tools (e.g. Screencast-o-Matic, Blogger, YouTube or other tools you may be familiar) can be used in your blended course.

The integration of technology in blended learning can deepen student knowledge.  Blended learning continues to grow as an approach to meeting learner needs, especially as institutions of higher learning introduce millennial technology tools like Blogger, Screencast-o-Matic, YouTube and other applications.  The growth of blended learning may be set in accordance with the comfort of educators as we expand our digital tools for teaching and learning.  However, it is important to realize that learning to teach with digital tools should never be the greater focus than exploring how to expand student’s knowledge level.

                                       Where it all began UWI Orientation September 2019

According to the COI Framework (2015), the Community of Inquiry theoretical the framework represents a process of creating a deep and meaningful (collaborative-constructivist) learning experience through the development of three interdependent elements – social, cognitive and teaching presence.
Garrison, Anderson & Archer (2001) expressed their meaning of social presence as being connected and interacting with other human beings as “real people” through the medium of communication being used. In the blended/online environment mediums such as Blackboard Collaboration, Vlogs, Bloggers, or YouTube are among the popular forms being utilized.  The ideal social presence environment would be one where learners express feeling and emotions and interact with others in ways that influence learning.  On the other hand, if there exists the perception of a negative social presence this may ultimately impede learners for expressing themselves as real people; in turn, lessening the learning experience.

In order to promote social presence a blended course of which I am to deliver I would encourage learners to incorporate their feelings, experiences, examples, and ideas into completed assignments, utilize video feedback when responding to messages, and by providing messages that are respectful, positive, encouraging, timely, and frequent assists learners to develop social presence and caring behaviors. 

Cognitive presence is by far essential to student learning.  The cognitive presence, in essence, is the quality and measure of a learner’s critical thinking capacity, ability to problem solve, and build meaning through student to student and student to lecturer interactions.  In a blended learning environment, I intend to display and support cognitive presence through interactions with all learners via explanation, discussions, through assignment feedback, and reflection exercises. 

The teaching presence is inclusive of the planning, organizing, developing and delivery of the course.  It also includes what the facilitator does while delivering each module to learners.  It accounts for the way in which the facilitator delivers lessons. give instruction and relays information to the learners.  As a facilitator of a blended learning course, I would include an explanation of the module, direct instruction, offer clarification and insight on misconceptions, offer lessons via demonstration and graphic, and direct learners to utilize the supplementary reading materials and a resource list for assistance with each lesson.

In conclusion as an upcoming educator, I will ensure to utilize the community of inquiry framework in the learning environment utilizing various forms of communication.  Hajibayova (2017) notes that regular faculty engagement through various modes of communication created faculty presence. Both synchronous and asynchronous communication supports student achievement of objectives in the online class (Watts, 2016).


COI. (2015). COI Framework. Retrieved from

Florescu, M. H., & Pop-Pacurar, I. (2016). Is the fear of 'being wrong' a barrier for effective
communication between students and professors? A survey study at Babes-Bolyai University Romania. Acta Didactica Napocensia, 9(2), 47.

Garrison, D. R., Anderson, T., & Archer, W. (2000). Critical inquiry in a text-based
environment: Computer conferencing in higher education model. The Internet and Higher Education.

Hajibayova, L. (2017). Students' viewpoint: What constitutes a presence in an online
classroom? Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 55(1), 12.

Serdyukov, P., & Serdyukova, N. (2015). Effects of communication, socialization, and
collaboration on online learning. European Scientific Journal, 2, 86-100.

Watts, L. (2016). Synchronous and asynchronous communication in distance learning. Quarterly
Review of Distance Education, 17(1), 23-32.


  1. Hey Kennisha.
    A very compact and concise analysis of the components of the COI framework. In regards to social presence, you've mentioned two critical words: "timely" and "encouraging" feedback. This is highly essential for students to feel a sense of belonging and motivation towards work. It can be demoralizing when students in an online environment feel as if the distance between them and the educator is negatively affecting learning. The overall purpose of technology should actually be to provide a similar or even better learning outcome than face to face. The purpose of online is should actually be to fortify the whole learning experience. So I definitely agree that timely and encouraging feedback can improve the learning environment.
    Secondly, the importance of planning cannot be overlooked. You mentioned it in the teaching presence where you highlighted the need to be well organized and prepared for courses utilizing both online and blended modes.
    I would like to see how you'd used YouTube in collaboration with a face to face lesson.
    Well done.

  2. Indeed, Kennisha. A precise analysis of the Community of Inquiry and how each aspect works for our educational promotion. I must agree with you as you said that all aspects are important, as you stressed on the teacher presence. It give me great appreciation for those of us who recognize the great responsibility a teacher really has. I do hope that we all live up to these high expectations, because I'm sure that we all will want to be positive and effective nursing educators one day. Well done. (Oh and btw consider the date in the label above) .

    1. Hi Tessa, thank you for the comment. Yes, thank you for pointing out the date it should read ("2018). I do believe we will be innovative nurse educators that will deliver course material in such a way learners will be motivated to perform exceptionally well.
