Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Technology Tools and Learning

Blog/Journal Reflection 4: Technology Tools and Learning: Mobile Learning, Multimedia, Games, and Gamification

Face-to-face, blended, and online learning with educational technology has been optimized to assist educators by using new technology in education.  Technology is not only fast but convenient and designed to support and encourage vital principles for academic attainment.  In addition, technology tools allow educators to offer learners a wide variety of resources to stimulate their learning.
Image result for skype on a cell phone
A technology tool of which this blog writer was not familiar with, nor previously used is Skype.  Skype is a telecommunications application that concentrates on providing voice calls and video chat through tablets, mobile devices, computers, smartwatches, and even the Xbox console. According to History of Domain Names (2003) Skype was created by the Swede Niklas Zennstrom and the Dane Janus Friis, who along with others developed the backend which was also used in the music-sharing application Kazaa.  Interestingly, eBay acquired Skype in 2005 at a whopping cost of $2.6 billion.  As of September 2011, Skype had over 663 million registered users, easing its way into top ranks with both Twitter and Facebook (Whent, 2012).  

Use of Skype in Profession Education Practice

As an educator, the writer intends to make full use educational networking sites to set up accounts and to foster highly interactive online and blended learning sessions to stimulate cognitive, and affective learning.  In reviewing Skype and recently signing up, it has already proven itself to be a reliable networking resource that is not only easy to navigate, but it provides free facilities to share ideas, lesson plans, cultural resources, experiences and will be utilized fully to promote education worldwide

I am a new skype user

Advantages and Benefits of Skype
Skype is an easy and inexpensive mode of communication between people worldwide.  It is especially popular to online college students due to the wide range of activities that encourage student participation and comprehension. This tool promotes interaction with people from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds which will help students understand cultural differences and learn about the history and social customs.  In addition, Skype offers an easy way for students and course instructors to engage in synchronous dialogue.
Moreover, lecturers can use video conferencing to deliver teaching session and host meetings with students while being away from the physical classroom or blackboard collaborative online course room.  Course facilitators may invite guest speakers to chat directly to students with students connecting to Skype using video conferencing. Skype may also be used as a tool to provide extra assistance to students who have queries or concerns following a lecture.
Subsequently, this dynamic tool can be used to do peer teaching and forge friendships through networking. This tool remains in high demand and is used heavily to collaborate on classroom projects and assignments by making free video calls and even video conferencing.  Finally, lecturers can make good use of this tool by using it for professional development by connecting with other educators and sharing and watching presentations.

Disadvantages of Skype
A few disadvantages of this tool have been recognized in the form of Skype being a network-intensive program.  Although the basic version is completely free, a high- speed network connection is required to use this program.  The amount of bandwidth required to use the program varies depending on the type of call one needs to make and type of features he/she need to use.  High definition or (HD) video calling and group videos require the most bandwidth (Olan, 2019).
Secondly, challenges of security present itself due to its popularity, Skype is a target for hackers who lurk for ways to steal personal information and passwords.  Users are encouraged to beware unknown persons attempting to become friends.
Over the years, online chatting has become a danger-zone for children.  Skype is no exception and can be used to facilitate cyberbullying, especially if parents fail to monitor their children's activities.  We must work together as technology tool users to ensure the program is used for wonderful experiences such as education and training and connecting with family and friends as it is intended to.
Although Skype offers a free account, there are several other interactive features you must pay for if you want to use them. If you would like to use additional features such as unlimited calls to any country in the world, cell phone calling or SMS, you must subscribe for a package plan, purchase Skype premium, or pay for credit.  Such costs may not be feasible to all users.

Technology has an awesome ability to enhance relationships between teachers and students. If effectively integrated into various subject areas, Skype and other tech. tools teachers and course facilitators expand in their role as advisors, experts in the content delivered, mentors.  Technology will continue to make teaching and meaningful, enjoyable, and innovative.

eLearning-Access to the world


History of Domain Names. (2003). Skype internet voice-calls. Retrieved from
eBay to buy Skype in $2.6 billion deal. (2005). Retrieved from
Google. (2019). Google Images. eLearning photos. Retrieved from
Olan, K. (2019). It still works. Disadvantages of using Skype Retrieved from
Skype Photo. (2019). Skype stock photo. Retrieved from
Whent, R. (2012). How Skype changed the world. Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kennisha.
    Firstly, I like how you've integrate Skype into the educational setting.
    I'm surprised that you're now in contact with Skype given its long time of existence. Nevertheless you've really delved into its efficacy and the short comings of this tool. As with many social media platforms the risk for cyber bullying is really high.
    I would like to pose a question to you, how do you think you can eliminate or decrease the risk for bullying if you're using this as a tool for education?
